



S 963.73


现代农业产业技术体系专项 (CARS-46);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(YFI20220801)

Effects of dietary phosphorus levels on nutrient metabolism and intestinal microbiome in GIFT tilapia (GIFT Oreochromis niloticus)

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    为研究饲料不同磷水平对吉富罗非鱼营养代谢及肠道微生物的影响,实验以磷酸二氢钙作为磷源,配制成总磷含量为0.26%(低磷组)、0.81%(适磷组)和1.51%(高磷组)的3组等氮等能饲料,每种饲料为一个处理,每个处理设置4个重复,每个重复30尾鱼,用3种饲料分别饲喂初始体重为(8.42±0.09) g的吉富罗非鱼8周。结果显示,适磷组吉富罗非鱼的增重率和特定生长率显著高于低磷组和高磷组,饲料系数在适磷组最低。脏体比、肝体比和肥满度随饲料磷水平的升高呈逐渐下降趋势。随着饲料磷水平的增加,吉富罗非鱼干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、磷的表观消化率显著降低。对筛选到的差异代谢物进行KEGG注释和富集分析发现,饲料磷缺乏时下调的差异代谢物主要富集的代谢通路为氰胺酸代谢、葡萄糖酸酯的生物合成、丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢,上调的差异代谢物主要富集的代谢通路为脂肪酸合成;当饲料磷过量时下调的差异代谢物主要富集代谢通路为精氨酸和脯氨酸代谢、苯丙酸的生物合成,上调的差异代谢物主要富集代谢通路为氨基糖和核苷酸糖的代谢。Ace、Chao1和Shannon指数表明,吉富罗非鱼肠道菌群丰度和多样性随着饲料磷水平的升高呈现升高趋势。厚壁菌门、放线菌门、变形菌门和拟杆菌门为吉富罗非鱼肠道菌群中的优势菌门。罗姆布茨菌属、鲸杆菌属等有益菌属的丰度在适磷组最高,分枝杆菌属和拟杆菌属的丰度随饲料磷含量的增加呈下降趋势。本研究表明,饲料中适量的磷能提高吉富罗非鱼对饲料的表观消化率,磷缺乏和过量会抑制吉富罗非鱼的氨基酸代谢,磷缺乏会加快脂肪酸合成进程;饲料中适量磷可以提高菌群丰度和多样性,有利于肠道健康。


    The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary phosphorus levels on the nutritional metabolism and intestinal microbiome of the GIFT tilapia (GIFT Oreochromis niloticus). Three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets with total phosphorus (P) content of 0.26% (low P treatment), 0.81% (moderate P treatment) and 1.51% (high P treatment) were prepared by using calcium dihydrogen phosphate as phosphorus source. Each diet was assigned to one treatment with four replicates and 30 fish per replicate. The fish with initial weight (8.42±0.09 g) were fed with the test diets for 8 weeks in an indoor recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). The results showed as follows: weight gain rate (WGR) and specific growth rate (SGR) of tilapia in moderate P treatment were significantly higher than those in low and high P treatments (P<0.05), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of tilapia in moderate P treatment was the lowest. The hepatosomatic ratio, viscerosomatic ratio and condition factor showed a gradual decrease with the increase of dietary phosphorus level. Dietary phosphorus level had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, crude lipid and phosphorus in GIFT O. niloticus and they showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing with increasing dietary phosphorus level. KEGG annotation and enrichment analysis of differential metabolites showed that the main metabolic pathways of down-regulated differential metabolites were cyanuric acid metabolism, biosynthesis of gluconate ester, alanine, aspartic acid and glutamate metabolism, and most of the upregulated differential metabolites were mainly enriched in the metabolic pathway of fatty acid synthesis in the fish in low P treatment compared with those in moderate P treatment; most down-regulated differential metabolites were mainly enriched in the following metabolic pathways: arginine and proline metabolism, phenylpropionic acid biosynthesis and most up-regulated differential metabolites were mainly enriched in the metabolic pathways of amino sugars and nucleotide sugars in the fish in high P treatment compared with those in moderate P treatment. Ace, Chao1 and Shannon indices showed that the abundance and diversity of GIFT O. niloticus intestinal flora tended to increase with increasing levels of dietary phosphorus. Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidota were the dominant phyla in the intestinal flora of GIFT O. niloticus. The abundance of beneficial genera such as Romboutsia and Cetobacterium was the highest in the moderate P treatment while the abundance of Mycobacterium and Bacteroides showed a decreasing trend with increasing phosphorus content in the feed. In conclusion, moderate phosphorus in diet could improve the apparent digestibility of feed for GIFT O. niloticus, and phosphorus deficiency or excess in diet would inhibit amino acid metabolism. Phosphorus deficiency would accelerate the process of fatty acid synthesis. Appropriate phosphorus in diets could improve the abundance and diversity of bacterial flora, which may be beneficial to intestinal health.



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  • 收稿日期:2022-03-30
  • 最后修改日期:2022-08-29
  • 录用日期:2022-12-22
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-12-15
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