凡纳滨对虾丝氨酸蛋白酶同源物基因 (Lv-SPH)的克隆及免疫应答特征




Q 786;S 941.41


天津市自然科学基金 (19JCYBJC29700,15JCZDJC33800);国家自然科学基金 (31472299);天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室开放基金 (TJAE2015005)

Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel serine protease homologues (Lv-SPH) in immune response from Litopenaeus vannamei

Fund Project:

Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (19JCYBJC29700, 15JCZDJC33800); National Natural Science Foundation of China (31472299); Open Research Funding of Tianjin Key Lab of Aqua-Ecology and Aquaculture (TJAE2015005)

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    丝氨酸蛋白酶 (SP)是一类分布广泛的蛋白水解酶,行使着一系列重要的生理功能,包括参与消化作用、血液凝结、胚胎发育和免疫应答过程等,但在甲壳动物中仅见初步报道。对虾的养殖持续面临着病害的困扰,深入开展对虾免疫防御机制研究,将会为寻找抗病新思路提供借鉴。本研究利用RACE技术克隆获得了一个新的凡纳滨对虾丝氨酸蛋白酶同源物 (serine protease homologs, SPHs)基因 (Lv-SPH)的全长cDNA序列,通过生物信息学方法分析了其序列特点,并利用实时荧光定量PCR (qPCR)方法探讨了其组织分布特征和应答病毒感染的表达变化模式。生物信息学分析显示该基因全长1 249 bp,开放阅读框 (ORF)区长1 005 bp,5′-UTR为156 bp,3′-UTR为88 bp,ORF区编码334个氨基酸,氨基端的16个氨基酸为预测的信号肽序列。经在线分析软件SMART分析显示,Lv-SPH含有一个clip结构域和一个高度保守的SP结构域 (Tryp-SPc),后者具有3分子活性催化位点,前2个是组氨酸和天冬氨酸,第3位为甘氨酸。该基因在凡纳滨对虾各种组织中有不同程度的表达,其中在血细胞中表达量最高,在肝胰腺、心脏和肠道中广泛表达,而在肌肉中表达量最低。注射白斑综合征病毒 (WSSV)后24 h,Lv-SPH的相对表达量显著升高,病毒感染后48 h达到最高,约为对照组的3倍。Lv-SPH具备典型的SPH家族成员特征,具有一定的组织表达特异性,WSSV可以显著诱导该基因表达上调,表明其可能参与了WSSV引发的凡纳滨对虾免疫应答过程。研究结果为深入探讨对虾天然免疫调控机制提供了参考,在对虾健康养殖及病害防治方面具有潜在的应用价值。


    Serine protease (SP) is a kind of important and widely distributed proteolytic enzyme, which participates in a series of important physiological processes, including digestion, blood coagulation, embryonic development and immune response. But there are only a few preliminary reports about SP in crustaceans. Shrimp farming is constantly threatened by diseases. Further research on shrimp immune defense mechanism will provide clues for finding new ideas of disease resistance. In this study, the full-length cDNA sequence of a novel serine protease homologs (SPH) gene (Lv-SPH, GenBank accession number: KR020739) was cloned from hemocytes of Litopenaeus vannamei according to our previous transcriptome results. The sequence characteristics were analyzed by bioinformatics method. Tissue distribution and expression profile in response to virus infection were discussed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the total length of the gene was 1 249 bp, the open reading frame (ORF ) region was 1 005 bp encoding 334 aa with 156 bp 5′-UTR and 88 bp 3′-UTR. The deduced amino acid sequence contained a signal peptide sequence with 16 amino acids at the amino end. SMART analysis showed that Lv-SPH contained a clip domain and a highly conserved SP domain (Tryp-SPc), which had two of the three active catalytic sites (His and Asp), and the third one is Gly. Lv-SPH was expressed in different tissues of L. vannamei. The main expression was in hemocyte, followed by hepatopancrease, heart and intestine. The lowest expression level was in muscle. Real time fluorescence quantitative PCR analysis showed that white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) could induce the up-regulated expression of Lv-SPH significantly. The relative expression of Lv-SPH increased significantly at 24 h and reached the highest level at 48 h, which was about three times that of the control group. Lv-SPH has typical characteristics of SPH family members and has tissue expression specificity. WSSV can significantly induce the up-regulated expression of Lv-SPH gene, indicating that it may be involved in the immune response process of L. vannamei induced by WSSV. The results provide a reference for further exploring shrimp innate immune regulation mechanism, and have potential application value in shrimp healthy culture and disease control.


尹丝雨,何雨欣,于娇,张亦陈,刘逸尘,耿绪云,孙金生.凡纳滨对虾丝氨酸蛋白酶同源物基因 (Lv-SPH)的克隆及免疫应答特征[J].水产学报,2022,46(5):815~824

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  • 收稿日期:2021-12-26
  • 最后修改日期:2022-04-01
  • 录用日期:2022-04-02
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-05-31
  • 出版日期: 2022-05-01