



S 965.3


国家重点研发计划(2019YFD0901204, 2019YFD0901205); 浙江省重点研发计划(2019C02056);舟山市科技计划项目 (2017C32071)

Principal component and discriminant analyses of morphological traits of cultured Konosirus punctatus at different stage

Fund Project:

National Key R&D Program of Chian(2019YFD0901204, 2019YFD0901205); The Key R&D Program of Zhejiang Province(2019C02056); Public-welfare Science and Technology Project of Zhoushan (2017C32071)

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    为研究斑鰶不同月龄表型性状的生长规律和特征,及最佳生长季节各性状与月龄的关系。采用主成分和判别分析的方法对2、4、6和8月龄斑鰶的全长、体长、头长、躯干长、尾柄长、眼径、体高、尾柄高、体宽、眼间距和体重等11个性状进行分析。结果显示,斑鰶不同月龄各性状指标间呈现不同程度的正相关,各月龄的体重与全长、体长、体高和体宽的相关系数均较大,眼径和眼间距2个性状与其他性状之间的相关系数均较小,8月龄各性状对体重的相关系数均小于2、4和6月龄。斑鰶不同月龄性状的主成分有所不同,各月龄第一主成分均以增重、增长的生长发育特性为主;第二主成分为2月龄指向体宽的发育情况,4、6和8月龄指向眼径发育情况;第三主成分为2和4月龄反映头部发育情况,6月龄反映眼径发育情况,8月龄反映体宽的发育情况。通过逐步判别分析法,剔除掉3个性状指标,建立各月龄的判别函数式,总的判别准确率为99.3%,2、4和8月龄的判别准确率达到100%。斑鰶2~8月龄的体长与体重的关系为W=0.017L2.929 (R2=0.981)。研究表明,全长、体长、体高和体宽是影响斑鰶生长发育最重要的表型性状指标,建立了不同生长阶段的判别函数式,生长方式为等速生长 (2~8月龄)。本研究为斑鰶的选择育种工作提供理论依据和建议测量指标。


    In order to explore the growth pattern and characteristics of phenotypic traits of Konosirus punctatus at different ages, as well as the relationship between traits and month of ages at the best growing season, phenotypic traits data of total length, body length, head length, trunk length, caudal peduncle length, eye diameter, body height, caudal peduncle height, body width, interorbital distance and body mass collected from K. punctatus at two, four, six, eight months old were analyzed by principal component and discriminant analysis in this study. The results showed that there were different degrees of positive correlation among all the phenotypic traits at different ages. The correlation coefficients between body mass and total body length, body height, body width at each month were large. The correlation coefficients between eye diameter and eye spacing and other traits were small, and the correlation coefficients between body weight and other traits at eight months old were less than those at two, four and six months old. The principal components of K. punctatus at different months of age were different. The first principal component was mainly based on the growth of body mass and length increase. The second principal component showed the growth state of body width at two months old, which also showed the growth state of eye diameter at four, six, eight months old. The third principal component showed the growth state of head at two and four months old, as well as the growth state of eye diameter at six months old and that of body width at eight months old. By stepwise discriminant analysis, the discriminant function of each month was established after eliminating three traits. The overall discriminant accuracy was 99.3%, especially the discriminant accuracy of two, four and eight month of age of K. punctatus reached to 100%. The relation equation between body length and body mass of 2-8 months of age was W=0.017L2.929 (R2=0.981) of K. punctatus. This study proved that total length and body length and body height and body width are the most important morphological traits in the growth stage of K. punctatus. The study established the discriminant function in the different growth stage of K. punctatus, which demonstrated that the growth pattern of K. punctatus is isokinetic growth at two to eight months old. This study provides a theoretical evidence and suggested measure indices for the selection and breeding of K. punctatus.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-11-11
  • 最后修改日期:2021-12-25
  • 录用日期:2022-03-24
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-03-19
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