



S 968.31



Estimates of genetic parameters for orange shell color and their correlation with growth traits in the improved orange shell line of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)

Fund Project:

Earmarked Fund for Agriculture Seed Improvement Project of Shandong Province (2020LZGC016); Science and Technology Benefiting People Demonstration Project of Qingdao City (20-3-4-16-nsh)

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    长牡蛎壳橙快速生长品系是结合群体选育与种内群体间杂交方法,以壳色性状和生长性状为选育指标,经过连续3代选育获得的新品系。本研究以第1代长牡蛎壳橙快速生长品系(G1)为亲本,采用巢式设计建立了48个混养家系,共获得863个个体。利用微卫星标记对混养家系进行了系谱分析,并基于REML法评估了长牡蛎壳橙快速生长品系壳色性状的遗传参数及与生长性状的相关性。结果显示,863个个体中,有851个个体被准确鉴定其所属家系;长牡蛎壳橙快速生长品系壳色性状颜色参数指标a*(红绿轴色品指数)、b*(黄蓝轴色品指数)和ΔE (色差)等均具中高等遗传力,大小依次为0.47±0.23、0.42±0.21和0.56±0.29。4个颜色参数指标间的遗传相关和表型相关范围分别为-0.79~0.86和-0.45~0.48。壳色性状与各生长性状的遗传相关和表型相关较低,分别为-0.33~0.17和-0.04~0.11。研究表明,在长牡蛎壳橙快速生长品系育种过程中,对壳色性状进行选育可以得到预期的改良效果。此外,壳橙性状与生长性状应分别作为目标性状进行协同选择,以实现同时改良两个性状的目的。本研究可为长牡蛎壳橙快速生长品系选育提供基础资料。


    The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is one of the most widely farmed shellfish species in the world. With the rise in market demand for in-shell oysters, shell color trait is increasingly of interest to the breeding industry and has been a target trait for selection. In our previous breeding process, an improved orange shell line of C. gigas with a unique shell color was established by the means of hybridization and mass selection. However, the genetic parameters for shell color trait and their correlation with growth traits for the improved orange-shell line remains undocumented. This study aims to estimate genetic parameters (heritability and correlations) for C. gigas at 10 months of age by applying mixed-family approach combined with a nested mating design and CVS imaging system. In this study, heritability for shell color-related traits was estimated in the improved orange shell line of C. gigas by fostering a single cohort of 48 families consisting of 16 sires and 48 dams. A total of 863 offspring were harvested at 10-month age. Pedigree was reconstructed with 12 microsatellite markers. The shell color parameters of selected oysters were measured based on the computer vision system and Lab colorimetric system. REML based on the animal model was used to estimate the genetic parameters of orange shell color traits and correlation with growth traits of C. gigas. The results of parentage assignment showed that 98.61% of the oysters were unambiguously assigned to single parent pairs. Unbalanced contributions of parents were found among families and parents. Coefficients of variation of the progeny were 16.51%-39.62% for growth traits, and 3.70%-43.32% for shell color parameters, suggesting that there was great genetic variation among growth traits. Heritabilities of L*, a*, b*, and ΔE were 0.17±0.07, 0.47±0.23, 0.42±0.21, and 0.56±0.29, respectively. The phenotypic correlations and genetic correlations of L*, a*, b* and ΔE were with the ranges of –0.4-0.48 and –0.79-0.86, respectively. The phenotypic correlations and genetic correlations between the growth traits and shell color traits were low, ranging from –0.04-0.11 and –0.33-0.17 respectively. These results indicated that the breeding population had considerable additive genetic variation in orange shell color traits, and the ongoing selective breeding program should produce considerable genetic improvement in the orange shell color traits of C. gigas. However, indirect selection of growth traits using the shell color trait is infeasible due to their low correlations. Only when both the shell color traits and growth traits were selected as the targets of selective breeding, the traits could be improved. Furthermore, our studies confirmed the feasibility of the posteriori family reconstruction based on molecular markers in a communal rearing environment. The present study provides important information for future selective breeding programs for C. gigas with orange shell color trait.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-10-09
  • 最后修改日期:2021-11-11
  • 录用日期:2021-12-14
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-01-17
  • 出版日期: 2024-01-01