



Q 591.2;S 917.4


国家重点研发计划 (2018YFD0901301);国家自然科学基金 (31770904);天津市人才发展特殊支持计划高层次创新创业团队项目 (ITTFRS2017007);天津市高等学校创新团队建设规划(TD13-5076);天津市自然科学基金 (19JCYBJC29700)

Construction of metabolic protein-protein interaction network of Eriocheir sinensis and molecular function, subcellular location and pathway analysis

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    为了构建中华绒螯蟹代谢过程研究的系统工具,实验在已经构建的中华绒螯蟹蛋白互作网络的基础上,首先采用邻接节点注释法对未知蛋白的分子功能进行预测。随后采用GO回溯法,构建了代谢蛋白网络并对网络中蛋白分子功能、亚细胞定位和途径分布进行了分析。分子功能注释中,确定了932 个蛋白的分子功能,占所有未知分子功能蛋白的97%。最终构建的代谢蛋白互作网络包含2 045 个蛋白及这些蛋白之间的15 927 条互作关系。网络中94.2% (1 926/2 045)的蛋白具有亚细胞定位信息,大多分布于有膜细胞器中;96.1%的蛋白 (1 966/2 045)具有分子功能信息,大多具有催化活性和结合活性。进一步对确定了分子功能和亚细胞定位的蛋白在40 个KEGG子系统中的分布进行分析,发现参与翻译和氨基酸代谢过程的蛋白较多,也有一部分参与免疫和运输过程。本实验结果可为中华绒螯蟹代谢相关的蛋白功能、定位的研究提供重要的数据参考,对系统研究中华绒螯蟹代谢过程及代谢相关疾病具有重要价值。


    Various diseases caused by metabolic abnormalities have caused great losses to the breeding industry of Eriocheir sinensis. Therefore, the study of the metabolic system of E. sinensis is very important for its healthy growth and development. However, there is still a lack of systematic analysis and research on the metabolic process of E. sinensis. , and this study aims to construct a systematic tool for the study on metabolic process of E. sinensis. Firstly, the proteins with unknown molecular functions were annotated based on the protein-protein interaction network (PIN) by annotating adjacent nodes. Secondly, based on the global network, the metabolic PIN of E. sinensis was constructed by extracting metabolism related proteins and their interaction relationships from the global network according to the GO annotation. The GO terms were organized in a hierarchical structure, among which, the highest level of metabolic system is annotated as GO: 0008152 (metabolic process). All the proteins that can be back traced to GO: 0008152 through the hierarchical structure were considered as metabolism related proteins. Then, the metabolism related proteins and their interaction relationships were extracted from the global network, which formed the metabolic PIN. Subsequently, the proteins in the network were annotated according to their molecular function and cellular component. Furthermore, the pathway distribution of the proteins in the metabolic PIN was analyzed according to the KEGG annotation of unigenes. The molecular functions of 932 proteins were determined, accounting for 97% of all unknown functional proteins in the network. The extracted metabolic PIN contains 2 045 proteins and 15 927 interactions. According to the molecular function and cellular component annotations, the functions and subcellular locations of the proteins in the network were further analyzed. 94.2% (1 926/2 045) of the proteins in the network had subcellular location information, and most of them were distributed in membranous organelles. 96.1% of the proteins (1 966/2 045) have molecular function information, and most of them have catalytic and binding activities. Analysis on the distribution of proteins in 40 subsystems showed that more proteins were involved in translation and amino acid metabolism, and some of them were involved in immune and transport processes. In this study, the metabolic PIN of E. sinensis was constructed for the first time, and the molecular function, subcellular location and pathway of the proteins were analyzed, which provided data basis for further study of metabolic activities and metabolism related proteins in E. sinensis. The results of this study can provide important data for the study of the function and location of metabolic proteins in E. sinensis.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-07-03
  • 最后修改日期:2021-11-01
  • 录用日期:2021-11-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-03-17
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