



Q 786;S 963.73



Effects of berberine on lipid metabolism of Danio rerio liver cells induced by high fat

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    为研究黄连素对高脂诱导的斑马鱼肝脏细胞脂质代谢组学的影响,实验以斑马鱼细胞为材料,通过棕榈酸钠(0.25 mmol/L,24 h)诱导肝脏细胞脂质沉积模型,经黄连素(25 μmol/L,6 h)处理后收集细胞。采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术进行脂质代谢组学分析,对不同处理的斑马鱼肝脏细胞的脂质代谢物进行筛选、鉴定,并对脂代谢相关因子的基因表达进行检测。结果显示,与对照组相比,高脂组共筛选出1 761个差异离子,其中鉴定出147种差异表达的代谢产物基因,123个表达升高、24个降低;高脂+黄连素组共筛选出2 728个差异离子,其中鉴定出346种差异表达的代谢产物,139个升高、207个降低。与高脂组相比,高脂+黄连素组共筛选出1 605个差异离子,其中鉴定出259种差异表达的代谢产物,45个升高、204个降低。进一步对不饱和脂肪酸代谢通路研究发现,差异代谢产物二高-γ-亚麻酸(DGLA)和二高-α-亚麻酸(ETA)含量在高脂组中显著上升,而添加了黄连素后含量显著下降;与对照相比,高脂+黄连素组的DGLA和ETA含量并无显著差异。通过检测DGLA和ETA分解相关酶的基因(atglhsl)表达量发现,与对照组相比,高脂组二者均显著降低,添加了黄连素后均显著升高;检测合成相关酶基因(accelovl6、elovl7ascdbfasfads2)的表达量发现,与对照组相比,高脂组细胞内accelovl6和scdb的表达量显著升高,fads2表达量显著降低,而添加了黄连素后细胞内fads2的表达量显著升高,faselovl6和scdb表达量显著降低。综上所述,高脂诱导通过抑制脂质分解相关基因表达,促进脂质合成相关基因的表达,进而引起脂肪在细胞中的过度沉积,而添加适量黄连素可以显著改善这一现象。


    Excessive deposition of fish fat is a very common phenomenon in artificially farmed fish. The widespread use of high-fat diets is an important cause for this consequence. Long-term and excessive use of high-fat diets can cause fat deposition in fish organs or tissues. Liver cells are the main place for fat synthesis in fish, and 90% of the fat is synthesized in liver cells. Excessive fat deposits in the liver can have a negative impact on the health of the fish. Chinese herbal medicine is the current research focus of anti-immune stress agents. Berberine is an alkaloid isolated from the traditional Chinese medicine Rhizoma Coptidis. It has the effects of protecting the liver, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemia and lipid-lowering. Preliminary research in our laboratory found that berberine as a functional feed additive can significantly inhibit the process of oxidative stress, reduce cell apoptosis and enhance the immunity of fish fed with high-fat diets. In order to explore the effect of berberine on the lipid metabonomics of Danio rerio liver cells induced by high fat, D. rerio cells were used as experimental materials, and sodium palmitate (0.25 mmol/L, 24 h) was used to induce liver cell lipid deposition models. After treatment with berberine (25 μmol/L, 6 h), the cells were collected. Using high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry technology for lipid metabolomics analysis, the lipid metabolites of different treatments of D. rerio liver cells were screened and identified, and the gene expression of lipid metabolism-related factors was detected. The results showed that compared with the control group, a total of 1 761 differential ions were screened in the high-fat group, among which 147 differential metabolites were identified, and 123 were increased and 24 were decreased; the high-fat + berberine group screened a total of 2 728 differential ions, among which 346 different metabolites were identified, 139 increased and 207 decreased. Compared with the high-fat group, the high-fat + berberine group screened a total of 1 605 differential ions, of which 259 differential metabolites were identified, and 45 increased and 204 decreased. Further studies on the metabolic pathways of unsaturated fatty acids found that the content of differential metabolites dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA) and dihomo-α-linolenic acid (ETA) increased significantly in the high-fat group, and the addition of berberine would make their content decrease significantly; compared with the control group, there was no significant difference in the content of DGLA and ETA in the high-fat + berberine group. By detecting the expression of DGLA and ETA decomposition-related enzyme genes (atgl, hsl), it was found that compared with the control group, both of the high-fat group were significantly reduced, and both were significantly increased after the addition of berberinei; detection of the expression levels of synthesis-related enzyme genes (acc, elovl6, elovl7a, scdb, fas and fads2), showed that compared with the control group, the high-fat group intracellular acc, elovl6 and scdb expression were significantly increased, fads2 expression decreased significantly, and fads2 expression in cells increased significantly after berberine was added, and fas, elovl6 and scdb expressions were significantly decreased. To sum up, the induction of high fat inhibits the expression of lipid-related genes, promotes the expression of lipid-synthesis-related genes, and causes excessive deposition of fat in cells. Adding a proper amount of berberine can promote the expression of lipid-related genes and inhibit the expression of lipid synthesis-related genes, thereby down-regulating the content of DGLA and ETA, effectively alleviated the damage induced by sodium palmitate to liver cells.



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  • 收稿日期:2020-12-25
  • 最后修改日期:2021-02-13
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-08-16
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