基于16S rRNA序列探讨我国海鳝科鱼类分子系统进化关系






国家自然科学基金 (31802300);广东省自然科学基金 (2018A0303130104);广东省高校特色创新类项目(2019KTSCX061);广东省大学生创新创业训练计划 (202011347047)

Molecular phylogenetic relationship of Muraenidae species in China Sea based on 16S rRNA gene sequences

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    为从分子水平分析海鳝科鱼类分子系统分类关系,澄清物种分类争议,实验通过PCR扩增获得我国海鳝科9个属26种鱼类16S rRNA序列片段,结合GenBank下载的其他海鳝科鱼类的序列进行分析。结果显示,进化树上,海鳝科主要形成裸海鳝亚科与海鳝亚科两个分支,裸海鳝亚科包括尾鳝属与鞭尾鳝属,海鳝亚科包括裸胸鳝属、裸海鳝属、勾吻鳝属、蛇鳝属等8个属,与形态分类结果一致。裸海鳝亚科分支中,尾鳝属与鞭尾鳝属形成平行的姐妹分支;海鳝亚科分支中,斑马裸海鳝单独形成一支,位于该分支基部,其他种类聚为另一支。分支I中裸胸鳝属、勾吻鳝属、蛇鳝属、海鳝属等属均无法形成单系,揭示这些种属可能是多系起源,与近期的分子水平研究观点相似。研究结果支持将斑马裸海鳝归为裸海鳝属,为单型属物种;虎斑鞭尾鳝归为鞭尾鳝属,与尾鳝属平行进化;拟蛇鳝从长海鳝属分离出来,归为拟蛇鳝属等分类观点。豹纹勾吻鳝与海鳝属关系十分接近,但其形态上还具有多个勾吻鳝属的基本特征,至于是否归为海鳝属,还需后续更多的分子与形态学研究加以验证。


    Fishes of the family Muraenidae, commonly known as morays, are of commercial importance to fisheries worldwide. Morphologically, classification and identification in Muraenidae fish remain problematic because many closely-related species share common overlapping color patterns. Additionally, colorations and patterns in some Muraenidae species change greatly during their lives, making the juveniles quite distinct from their adult forms. To analyze the phylogenetic relationships of the Muraenidae fish based on the molecular level, and to clarify the species taxonomic controversies, 16S rRNA sequences of 26 Muraenidae species of 9 genera from China Sea were obtained by PCR amplification in this study. Combined with other Muraenidae sequences obtained from GenBank, the base composition, conserved sites, variable sites and genetic distance of the sequences were analyzed using Mega 7.0 software and the molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed by maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. Results showed that: In the genetic distance results, the genetic distance values of 35 Muraenidae species ranged from 0.009 to 0.309. The maximum value (0.309) was found between species Gymnothorax pesudothyrsoideus and Scuticaria tigrina, while the minimum value (0.009) was between G. kidako and G. niphostigmus. Within the genetic distance among 10 genera,the maximum inter-genera value (0.187-0.279) was found between genera Gymnothorax and Uropterygius, while the minimum value (0.045-0.131) was between genera Enchelycore and Muraena. Additionally, certain inter-species distance values within the same genus were large and even exceeded the inter-genera values. Like some species in the genera Gymnothorax, Echidna and Enchelycore, it indicated that the genetic differentiation level in some species had exceeded the inter-genera levels. In the phylogenetic tree, Muraenidae species formed two major groups: subfamily Uropterygiinae and subfamily Muraeninae groups. Uropterygiinae group comprised two genera Uropterygius and Scuticaria, while Muraeninae group comprised 8 genera including Gymnothorax, Echidna, Enchelycore, Gymnomuraena, etc., which was consistent with the current morphological classification result. In Uropterygiinae group, two genera Uropterygius and Scuticaria formed a parallel sister branch. In Muraeninae group, species G. zebra formed a separate branch and was located at the base of the group, and the remaining species were clustered into another large branch. Within this branch, genera like Gymnothorax, Echidna, Enchelycore and Muraena could not form monophyletic group. Species in these genera were clustered together in different positions of the phylogenetic tree, revealing their polyphyletic evolutionary status, which was consistent with the recent molecular phylogenetic studies. For the species/genera that were in morphological classificational controversy, our phylogenetic results supported the view that G. zebra was classified into genus Gymnomuraena as a monotypic species. Scuticaria tigrina was classified into genus Scuticaria and its phylogenetic status was sister to the genus Uropterygius. Species Pseudechidna brummeri showed distant relationship with genus Strophidon, which might be separated from Strophidon and classified into genus Pseudechidna. Enchelycore pardalis was closely related with genus Muraena at the molecular level, but morphologically, certain Enchelycore basic characteristics also existed in the species. Whether it could be classified into genus Muraena, further comprehensive molecular and morphological studies are needed for confirmation.


陈铭,范蔓桦,谢瑞琳,陈玉佩,李清清,李江涛,黄燕华,林蠡,梁日深.基于16S rRNA序列探讨我国海鳝科鱼类分子系统进化关系[J].水产学报,2022,46(2):183~195

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  • 收稿日期:2020-10-26
  • 最后修改日期:2021-01-26
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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-02-14
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