






Effects of protein and lipid on growth and physiological factors of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco larvae in industrialized culture

Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,,Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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    为探讨蛋白质和脂肪对工业化培育黄颡鱼仔稚鱼生长和生理因子的影响,实验采用2×2双因素设计,设置2个蛋白水平(48%、52%);2个脂肪水平(9%、13%)。形成4种实验饲粮处理组,每处理3个重复,每重复3600尾实验鱼[平均体质量(4.6±0.3)mg]。实验鱼为2日龄黄颡鱼“全雄1号”仔鱼,以卤虫开食1 d后,逐渐过渡为实验饲料,过渡期为2 d,实验进行21 d。结果显示:①13%脂肪水平显著提高实验鱼成活率,52%蛋白水平显著提高实验鱼增重率和饲料利用率。P52L13组成活率极显著高于P52L9组32.67%,显著高于P48L13和P48L9组,其增重率也分别显著高于P48L13和P48L9组40.15%和43.74%;P48L9组成活率分别显著高于P52L9组15.83%,但增重率最低。②生理因子分析表明,52%蛋白、13%脂肪水平分别显著提高黄颡鱼仔稚鱼机体IGF-1和T3含量,并有提高消化酶和吸收酶活力趋势。P52L13组消化酶、吸收酶活力和生长相关激素含量均最高,且后两类均显著提高,AKP活力分别显著高于P52L9和P48L13组37.38%和34.71%,IGF-1水平显著高于P48L9组46.2%;P48L9组消化酶和吸收酶活力均较高,但T3及GH含量均最低,IGF-1水平显著低于其他3组25.76%~31.6%。③本研究新发现,蛋白和脂肪水平较低时,对仔稚鱼生长性能未有提高,但二者组合比例(即蛋脂比)适宜时(本实验条件下为3.95~5.46),有利于工业化培育仔稚鱼存活能力的改善。总之,本研究初步确定,在工业化培育条件下,P52L13组饲料为兼顾黄颡鱼仔稚鱼成活率、生长性能、消化吸收和生长相关激素水平的优良组合;P48L9组饲料为改善黄颡鱼仔稚鱼存活、消化吸收的适宜蛋脂比组合;饲料蛋脂比对鱼类生命早期发育成活具有重要作用。


    This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of protein and lipid levels on growth and physiological factors of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco larvae in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). A random 2×2 two-factors animal experiment including two different protein levels (48%, 52%, P48, P52) and two lipid levels(9%, 13%;L9, L13) was used to formulate 4 trial diets. Each treatment had 3 replicates and 3600 individuals per replicate. The trial fish was P. Fulvidraco larvae at 2 day after hatching that was fed Artemia naupliias initial feeding for 1 day, and gradually transformed to trial diets. The conversion period of feed was 2 days. The research was conducted for 21 days. The results showed as follows. ① High protein and lipid level of diets significantly improved the survival rate(SR), weight gain rate (WGR) and feed conversion rate of P. Fulvidraco larvae with the univariate analysis.The double factors analysis indicated that P52L13 diet significantly increased the SR of trial fish compared with P52L9, P48L13 and P48L9 diet, and exceeded by 32.67%, 22.21% and 14.54%, respectively. The WGR of trial fishin P52L13 diet increased by 40.15% and 43.74% compared with P48L13 and P48L9 diet. P48L9 diet improved the SR by 15.83% and 7.21% compared with P52L9 and P48L13 diet, but the WGR was the lowest. ② The physiological factors results showed that the single factor (high protein and lipid level of diets) significantly improved IGF-1 and T3 levels of trial fish, and had a tendency to raise enzyme activity of digestion and absorption. Double factors analysis showed that the enzyme activity of digestion and absorption, IGF-1 and T3 levels of trial fish in P52L13 diet were higher than others. The activity of lipase, amylase and AKP of the trial fish in P48L9diet were higher than P52L9 and P48L13, but the Na+-K+-ATPase activity, IGF-1, T3 and GH levels were the lowest. ③ The new discovery of this study was that the trial fish with P48L9 diet had higher SR, feed intake, enzyme activity of digestion and absorption than P52L9 and P48L13, but the lowest WGR, growth related hormone level than others. It indicated that the lower protein and lipid level had an negative effect on trial fish growth, but benefited the survival ability when the protein to lipid ratio was appropriate. In conclusion, the change and interaction of dietary main nutrient elements affected growth and physiological factors of P. Fulvidraco larvae. This research shows that the P52L13 diet is the excellent combination giving consideration to SR, growth, digestion and absorption ability, growth related hormone level of P. Fulvidraco larvae in RAS. The P48L9 dietary combination with appropriate protein to lipid ratio can enhance the survival, digestion and absorption ability of P. Fulvidraco larvae. Therefore, the appropriate protein to lipid ratio has important significance for the survival and development of fish in the early stage.



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  • 收稿日期:2016-04-27
  • 最后修改日期:2016-07-04
  • 录用日期:2016-11-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-02-22
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