







Spatial differences of fish community distribution in the adjacent sea areas of thermal discharge from Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant

Shanghai Ocean University,Key and Open Laboratory of Marine and Estuary Fisheries,Ministry of Agriculture of China,East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences,Shanghai,Key and Open Laboratory of Marine and Estuary Fisheries,Ministry of Agriculture of China,East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences,Shanghai

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    根据秦山核电站温排水扩散数学模拟结果以及在秦山核电站附近海域春季(2010年5月)、夏季(2010年9月)和冬季(2009年12月)渔业资源调查资料,通过聚类分析方法对鱼类群落分布进行划分,从不同群落空间分布及种类组成、种类数及多样性的分析等方面,探讨并分析了秦山核电站温排水对附近海域鱼类群落分布的影响。结果显示,春、夏和冬季秦山核电站温排水附近海域均划分为2个群落:温排水影响海域(即群落Ⅰ,以下简称内侧;位于秦山核电站排水口附近,温排水排入水域使水温升高,水温向外侧扩散逐渐降低)和温排水外侧海域(即群落Ⅱ,以下简称外侧)。鱼类群落结构差异表现为春夏季鱼类种类数和多样性指数特征差异一致,外侧高于内侧,数量密度差异较大,夏季和冬季差异明显,呈相异特征。春季鱼类种类数外侧(14种)>内侧(6种),尾数和重量多样性指数(Hn')平均值类似,外侧(2.30和1.93)>内侧(1.76和1.56),数量密度差异较大,尾数密度外侧(1.95×103个/km)>内侧(0.88×103个/km),而重量密度内侧(6.14 kg/km2)>外侧(2.26 kg/km2),主要与春季温排水影响海域鱼类产卵,鱼类在内侧滞留且体质量较大有关;夏季与春季类似,鱼类种类数、尾数和重量多样性指数、尾数和重量密度都是外侧(11种、1.76、1.92、2.57×103个/km和9.06 kg/km2)>内侧(9种、1.75、1.65、1.98×103个/km和3.67 kg/km2),主要因为夏季水温较高,温排水进入海域改变内侧鱼类群落特征,表现为内侧低于外侧;而冬季与夏季正相反,各指标都是内侧(15种、1.61、1.86、1.09×103个/km和8.64 kg/km2)>外侧(7种、1.24、1.13、0.84×103个/km和4.72 kg/km2),主要与冬季水温较低,温排水影响海域具有暖池效应,形成部分鱼类滞留在此越冬有关。温排水对不同适温性的鱼类影响不同,一些暖温性鱼类能够适应一定的低温,因而在冬季温排水附近海域鱼类暖温种数和种类数(8种和15种)均为三季最高,这与物种在温排水的热羽区域分布密集有关,从而形成温排水附近海域鱼类种类多于其他群落的现象。研究表明,秦山核电站温排水附近海域鱼类群落分布空间差异显著,温排水引起的水温变化是主要原因。


    Based on the mathematical simulation results of thermal discharge diffusion and the data taken from fishery resources surveying of the adjacent sea areas of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant during spring (May,2010), summer (Sept.,2010) and winter (Dec.,2009), we divided the fish community distribution through cluster analysis method, explored and analyzed the effects of thermal discharge from Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant on fish community distribution of the adjacent sea areas,from the aspects of spatial distribution and species composition, species number and diversity of different communities, etc. The result showed that the adjacent sea areas of thermal discharge of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant were divided into two communities in spring, summer and winter, namely:the sea areas affected by thermal discharge (i.e. community I, hereinafter referred to as the inside; located near the outlet of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, thermal discharged into the water made water temperature rise, the water temperature decreased outward diffusion) and the sea areas outside of the thermal discharge (i.e. community Ⅱ, hereinafter referred to as the outside). Differences of fish community structure showed differences of the characteristics of fish species quantity and diversity index were consistent in spring and summer, the outside was higher than inside, quantity density had a large difference, and the differences were significant in summer and winter, showing distinct characteristics. The quantity of fish species outside (14 kinds) > inside (6 kinds) in spring, the average value of individuals and weight diversity index (Hn') was similar, outside (2.30 and 1.93) > inside (1.76 and 1.56), quantity density had large difference, individual density outside (1.95×103 ind/km) > inside (0.88×103 ind/km), and weight density inside (6.14 kg/km2) > outside(2.26 kg/km2), mainly related to thermal discharge in spring affected fish spawning, fish assembled inside and had higher weight; similar to spring, in summer, the quantity of fish species, individuals and weight diversity index, individuals and weight density were all outside(11 kinds, 1.76, 1.92, 2.57×103 ind/km and 9.06 kg/km2) > inside(9 kinds, 1.75, 1.65, 1.98×103 ind/km and 3.67 kg/km2), mainly because the temperature of the sea water in summer was higher, thermal discharge into the sea water changed the characteristics of fish community inside, showed inside was lower than outside; and the winter was opposite to summer, all indicators were inside(15 kinds, 1.61, 1.86, 1.09×103 ind/km and 8.64 kg/km2) > outside(7 kinds, 1.24, 1.13, 0.84×103 ind/km and 4.72 kg/km2), mainly because the temperature of the sea water in winter was lower, probably related to thermal discharge making the proximal sea regions warmer than the surrounding sea waters, which could benefit the fish assemblies in winter because of a warm pool effect. Thermal discharge has different effects on fishes with different adaptabilities to temperature; some warm temperature fishes can be adapted to relatively low temperature, so the quantity of warm temperate fish species and fish species (8 kinds and 15 kinds) in the adjacent sea areas of thermal discharge were all the highest in winter among the three seasons, which was related to species distributed densely in the hot thermal discharge plume areas, thus formed the phenomenon that fish species in the adjacent sea areas of thermal discharge had more kinds than other communities.



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  • 收稿日期:2016-01-28
  • 最后修改日期:2017-10-15
  • 录用日期:2017-12-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-08-01
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