






Characterization of a high-temperature resistant strain of Pyropia yezoensis and its pilot cultivation in mariculture farm

College of Fisheries and Life Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai,Bioengineering Department,Nantong Agriculture College,Jiangsu,College of Fisheries and Life Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai

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    通过室内培养和海区栽培实验验证条斑紫菜耐高温品系(T-17)优良性状的稳定性和栽培适用性。结果显示,与野生型品系(WT)相比,T-17品系的叶状体,在生长率、最大光化学效率、主要光合色素含量、藻体厚度和产量等方面均存在明显的优势。将在18℃下培养50 d的小苗再在18、22和24℃下培养35 d,T-17的绝对生长率分别为WT的17.71、15.81和33.00倍,特定生长率分别为WT的4.59、4.38和9.15倍,最大光化学效率分别为WT的1.17、1.29和1.58倍。WT的小苗在22、24和25℃下再分别培养25、15 和10 d,叶片的颜色就转深变黑,藻体卷曲变硬,出现腐烂;而T-17的小苗在相同培养条件下培养相同的天数仍表现出良好的生长状态,藻体不变硬,无腐烂,说明T-17具有较强的耐高温性。此外,在日龄65 d的叶状体中,T-17的Chl.a和总藻胆蛋白(PE+PC)的含量分别是WT的1.45和1.54倍;T-17的平均厚度比WT减少26.4%。T-17的壳孢子放散量与WT相比差别不显著。在海区栽培试验中,T-17品系前4次收割的鲜菜总重量比当地栽培野生种(Wt)增加了16.3%,1~4次收割的鲜菜的最大光化学效率分别为Wt的1.06、1.12、1.17和1.27倍,而Chl.a含量分别是Wt的1.41、1.49、1.52和1.91倍,总藻胆蛋白含量分别是Wt的1.94、2.04、2.03和2.34倍。研究表明,与野生型品系相比,T-17品系在产量、品质和耐高温性等方面均明显提高,且性状稳定,生产适用性好,有望在生产上规模化栽培。


    In this paper,the characteristics stability and the cultivation applicability of the improved strain(T-17)of Pyropia yezonensis were evaluated according to the results of laboratory cultivation and pilot cultivation in mariculture farm.The results showed that:in comparison with the wild-type strain(WT)of Pyropia yezonensis,the blades of the T-17 strain have obvious advantages in growth rates,maximum photochemical efficiency,contents of main photosynthetic pigments,blade thicknesses and yields of pilot cultivation.When the blades after being cultured at 18℃ for 50 days were cultured at 18,22 and 24℃ for another 35 days,the absolute growth rates of the blades of T-17 strain were 17.71,15.81 and 33 times higher than those of the WT strain,respectively;the specific growth rates of the T-17 strain were 4.59,4.38 and 9.15 times higher than those of the WT strain,respectively;the maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm)of the T-17 strain were 1.17,1.29 and 1.58 times higher than those of the WT strain,respectively.The gametophytic blades of the WT strain turned deeply dark,curly hardened and began to decay when the blades of the WT were cultured at 22℃ for 25 days,24℃ for 15 days and 25℃ for 10 days,respectively,while the blades of the T-17 did not harden,did not decay and grew well in the same culture conditions and were cultured for the same period.When the blades were cultured at 18℃ for 65 days,the contents of Chl.a,and phycobiliprotein(PE+PC)of the T-17 strain were 1.45 and 1.54 times higher than those of the WT strain.The mean blade thickness of the T-17 strain was less than the WT strain by 26.4%.The releasing number of conchospores from T-17 has no significant difference with the WT strain.The blades were collected and studied from the first harvest to the fourth harvest in the pilot cultivation.It was found that the fresh yield of the T-17 strain of the total amount of harvests in the first four times increased by 16.3% compared with traditional cultivar(the wild-type,Wt),the maximum photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm)of the blades of the T-17 strain were 1.06,1.12,1.17 and 1.27 times higher than that of the Wt strain,respectively;the Chl.a contents in the blades of T-17 strain were 1.41,1.49,1.52 and 1.91 times higher than that of the Wt strain,respectively;the phycobiliprotein contents in the blades of the T-17 strain were 1.94,2.04,2.03 and 2.34 times higher than that of the Wt strain,respectively.Compared with the wild-type strain,the T-17 strain had higher yield,stronger resistance to high-temperature and higher quality,and good stability of the characteristics.This strain has probably great potential to be applied in commercial cultivation.



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  • 收稿日期:2014-05-06
  • 最后修改日期:2014-07-01
  • 录用日期:2014-10-02
  • 在线发布日期: 2014-10-17
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