氨基脲在栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)体内生物富集与消除规律研究







Research on accumulation and elimination of semicarbazide in Chlamys farreri

Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province,Yantai 264006, China; 2 Shandong Province Key Laboratory of Restoration for Marine Ecology; Yantai Shanshui Seafood Co. Ltd,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province

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    采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法进行了氨基脲在栉孔扇贝闭壳肌、外套膜和鳃、消化盲囊不同组织中生物富集和消除规律的研究。在(14±2)℃水温条件下,将栉孔扇贝分别浸浴于氨基脲浓度1.0 μg/L、5.0 μg/L和20.0 μg/L的海水中8天进行富集试验,第9天起每天换水进行消除试验。在所研究的三个组织中,随海水中氨基脲浓度的增加,蓄积量逐渐增加。消化盲囊富集最高值最大,富集能力最强,而且表现出最快的平均消除速度。栉孔扇贝各组织对氨基脲的富集作用:消化盲囊>外套膜和鳃>闭壳肌;且各组织中氨基脲含量与曝污浓度呈现正相关。氨基脲主要富集在栉孔扇贝的消化盲囊及外套膜和鳃中,闭壳肌中含量较少。栉孔扇贝各组织对氨基脲的消除作用:闭壳肌>外套膜和鳃>消化盲囊,即便如此,在高浓度条件下,闭壳肌也要经过一段时间的净化,氨基脲含量才能降低至0.50 μg/kg以下。采用DAS 2.0药物代谢动力学参数计算程序,处理曝污后栉孔扇贝体内的氨基脲含量-时间数据,计算有关药物动力学参数。结果发现:各组织AUC相差较大,说明组织不同,对药物的蓄积能力有所差别。以20.0 μg/L浓度为例,经42天消除试验后,闭壳肌(5.94 μg/kg)、外套膜和鳃(9.87 μg/kg)及消化盲囊(15.81 μg/kg)中均有氨基脲存在,且远高于规定值,各组织氨基脲消除率逐渐降低,依次为91.3%、90.0%、89.6%。在本试验条件下,氨基脲在1.0 μg/L、5.0 μg/L和20.0 μg/L浓度下连续曝污8天后,建议其消除期分别定为15天、50天和70天;并且水温高时可适当缩短消除期,水温低时可适当延长消除期。本研究所得的药时曲线可为贝类氨基脲污染的净化提供数据支持。


    Accumulation and elimination of semicarbazide (SEM) in adductor, mantle and gill, digestive diverticula of Chlamys farreri under laboratory conditions were studied using ultra performance liquid chromatogram tandem mass spectrometry in this work. The Chlamys farreri was divided randomly, then exposed to seawater containing 1.0 μg/L, 5.0 μg/L and 20.0 μg/L SEM for 8 d at (14±2)℃. After exposure, Chlamys farreri was placed into clean seawater for the subsequent elimination experiment. As the increase in the concentration of SEM in seawater, the accumulation amount in three various tissues was increased. The digestive diverticula has the maximum of the biggest concentration (Cmax), average elimination speed and the greatest accumulation ability of SEM. The accumulation capability of the various tissues was as follows: digestive diverticula>mantle and gill>adductor; and the accumulation amount in the three tissues increased with the addition of SEM concentration in seawater, presenting significantly positive correlation. SEM was accumulated mainly in digestive diverticula and mantle and gill, and the content of SEM in adductor was relatively lower. The elimination capability of the various tissues was as follows: adductor>mantle and gill>digestive diverticula; but the SEM content in adductor could be reduced to less than 0.50 μg/kg after a period of purification at higher concentration. DAS 2.0 pharmacokinetic parameter calculation program was used to process SEM content-time datas and to calculate the relevant pharmacokinetic parameters. The results indicated that area under concentration-time curve (AUC) differed greatly in the three tissues and the tissues had different accumulation capability. For example, in the concentration of 20.0 μg/L, the content of SEM in adductor,mantle and gill,digestive diverticula was 5.94 μg/kg, 9.87 μg/kg and 15.81 μg/kg respectively after 42 d elimination experiment, which were also much higher than the specified values. When Chlamys farreri was bred in clean seawater, the SEM accumulated in the body was eliminated significantly. The excretion rate in adductor,mantle and gill,digestive diverticula was 91.3%、90.0%、89.6% and gradually reduced. Under the experimental conditions, when Chlamys farreri exposed to seawater containing 1.0 μg/L, 5.0 μg/L and 20.0 μg/L SEM for 8 d at (14±2)℃, it was recommended withdrawal period of 15 d, 50 d and 70 d respectively. When the water temperature was highter than the experimental conditions, the withdrawal period could be shorten; and extended in lower water temperature. The accumulation and elimination curves of SEM in Chlamys farreri provided useful information for studying decontamination of seashells that have SEM contamination.


徐英江,田秀慧,任传博、于召强、宫向红,刘慧慧,刘义豪,张秀珍,张利民.氨基脲在栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)体内生物富集与消除规律研究[J].水产学报,2013,37(3):443~449

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  • 收稿日期:2012-07-26
  • 最后修改日期:2012-10-24
  • 录用日期:2013-03-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-03-20
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