






Morphological development of early stages of Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1788)

Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fisheries Resource, Ministry of Agriculture, Key Laboratory for Fishery Resources and Eco-environment, Shandong Province,Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fisheries Resource,Ministry of Agriculture,Key Laboratory for Fishery Resources and Eco-environment,Shandong Province

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    根据1978—1986年4—6月太平洋中部热带水域、西太平洋热带水域以及东海外海黑潮流域调查期间所采集到的缪氏暗光鱼仔稚鱼样品, 结合相关的文献资料, 详细描述了缪氏暗光鱼的个体发育形态, 旨在丰富我国鱼类早期生活史的研究内容并为今后鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类鉴定提供参考资料。缪氏暗光鱼卵子为圆球形、无色、透明的分离浮性卵。卵子表面被有一层特殊突起状的胶质膜, 卵子直径为1.29~1.82 mm, 内卵膜直径为0.87~1.17 mm。胶质突起的底部在卵膜的表面呈正六角形。单一油球, 直径为0.22~0.28 mm。卵黄间隙非常狭小。卵黄表面呈泡状龟裂。胚胎发育过程没有色素出现。体长2.80 mm的前期仔鱼, 肛门位于体中部稍后, 可数肌节17+16=33对, 鱼体上无色素分布。体长为2.90 mm的前期仔鱼, 眼球上开始出现黑色素细胞沉淀。体长为5.90 mm的后期仔鱼, 鳔泡形成, 后半部上方出现点状色素分布; 体长为6.90 mm的后期仔鱼, 出现2个BR发光器和2个IV2发光器。体长为8.20 mm的后期仔鱼, 鱼体上星状和点状黑色素增多, 出现3个BR发光器、OP3发光器和7个IV2发光器。体长10.70 mm的稚鱼, 腹囊中部出现一列星状黑色素, BR发光器和IV2发光器的数量增多外又出现1个ORB发光器。体长14.00 mm的稚鱼, 颅顶至尾柄有许多大小不等的星状黑色素分布, 尾柄上的黑色素较为浓密, 整个腹囊散布点状黑色素, 又出现了OP1、OP2、5个IV1、5个OA、4个VAV、6个AC2以及6个AC3发光器, 至此, 发光器发育还没完全。


    Based on the analysis of Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin, 1788) larvae and juveniles samples col- lected during the oceanographical expedition cruises which were conducted in central and western tropical Pacific and the Kuroshio extension regions in the East China Sea, from April to June during 1978 to 1986, and combined with the related literature, this paper described the morphological characteristics of the eggs, larvae and juveniles of M. muelleri in detail. It aims to enrich the knowledge on the early life history stage of fishes in China and to provide available information to resolve taxonomic problems of this specie. The egg of the M. muelleri is buoyant, colorless, and spherical in shape. The egg membrane is uniquely sculptured, with the envelope considerably thickened and drawn up into hexagonally arranged points. The diameter of the egg ranges from 1.29 to 1.82 mm. And the inner diameter of the egg envelope ranges from 0.87 to 1.17 mm. The egg has a single oil globule measuring 0.22 to 0.28 mm, and with a narrow perivitelline space. The yolk is coarsely segmented. The pigmentation was lacking on the embryo during the embryogenesis. Prelarva, 2.80 mm in total length (TL): the anus was located just behind the yolk sac, somewhat posteriorly to the middle of the body. The number of the myomeres was 17+16=33. The pigmentation was still lacking on its body. Prelarva, 2.90 mm in TL: the melanophores begin to scatter on the optic vesicle. Postlarva, 5.90 mm in TL: the air-bladder well developed with its upper posterior part scattered with pigment spots. Postlarva, 6.90 mm in TL: 2 BR and 2 IV2 photophores were apparent. Postlarva, 8.20 mm in TL: the black pigment spots on the upper posterior part of the air-bladder were becoming increaseingly pigmented. Otherwise, 3 BR, OP3 and 7 IV2 photophores were apparent. Juvenile, 10.70 mm in TL: a pigment stripe was scattered on central of the ventral sac. The number of BR and IV2 photophores increased; otherwise, 1 ORB photophore was apparent. Juvenile, 14.00 mm in TL: some black star-shaped pigmentation that varied in size were scattered on the dorsal surface of its body from the top of the head to the caudal peduncle. Dense melanophores on the caudal peduncle were observed. The entire ventral sac was scattered with black pigment spots. OP1, OP2, 5 IV1, 5 OA, 4 VAV, 6 AC2 and 6 AC3 photophores were apparent. However, till then the photophores system has not well-developed.



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  • 收稿日期:2012-01-10
  • 最后修改日期:2012-02-20
  • 录用日期:2012-03-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2012-07-17
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