





Comparison of oxygen consumption rate and NH3 excretion rate of the first generation yellow shell color and control groups at different temperatures and salinities

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    2006年4月,从流沙港马氏珠母贝养殖群体中挑选11个纯黄壳色个体为繁殖群体建立了黄壳色选系F1。同时,随机选取了50个个体作为繁殖群体建立了对照组。2007年10月,从两个组分别选取相同规格的个体,比较了不同温度和盐度条件下两个组的耗氧率(OCR)和排氨率(NR)。结果表明:(1)在15~30 ℃,两个组的耗氧率和排氨率均随温度升高而增大。黄壳色选系的OCR和NR变化范围分别为0.117~1.009 mg / (g·h)和0.013~0.028 mg / (g·h),对照组的OCR和NR变化范围分别为0.142~0.827 mg / (g·h)和0.016~0.028 mg / (g·h)。(2)在15 ℃,对照组OCR和NR大于黄壳色选系,差异不显著(P>0.05);在20、25和30 ℃条件下,黄壳色选系OCR和NR大于对照组,其中30 ℃时二者耗氧率差异显著(P<0.05)。(3)在15~30 ℃,黄壳色选系OCR和NR的Q10平均值为4.87和1.91;对照组OCR和NR的Q10平均值分别为3.54和1.46;两个组的氧氮比平均值分别为20.50和19.56。(4)在20~36盐度条件下,两个组的OCR和NR均随盐度增加而先上升再下降,在盐度28时出现最大值。黄壳色选系的OCR和NR变化范围分别为0.435~0.678 mg / (g·h)和0.011~0.027 mg / (g·h),对照组的OCR和NR变化范围分别为0.233~0.671 mg / (g·h)和0.014~0.025 mg / (g·h)。(5)在盐度20、24、28、32和36条件下,黄壳色选系耗氧率大于对照组,其中在盐度20、24和36时二者差异显著(P< 0.05);在盐度28和32条件下,黄壳色选系排氨率大于对照组,在盐度20、24和36条件下,对照组的排氨率大于黄壳色选系,差异不显著(P> 0.05)。(6)在20~36盐度条件下,黄壳色选系和对照组的氧氮比平均值分别为34.50和25.01。研究结果表明经过一代壳色选育后黄壳色选系与对照组的生理指标存在明显差异,为马氏珠母贝的黄壳色系进一步选育提供依据。


    In April of 2006, the firstgeneration selected group (SG) was established by selecting eleven breeders with yellow shell color in Liusha Bay stock of pearl oyster Pinctada martensii. A control group (CG) was also obtained by randomly selecting fifty mature individuals in the same stock as breeders. In October of 2007, the individuals with the uniform size were separately sampled from the SG and CG groups and differences in physiological indices such as oxygen consumption rate and NH3 excretion rate between the two groups were evaluated at different temperature and salinity levels. The results obtained from this experiment included (1) oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and NH3 excretion rate (NR) were positively correlative to the temperature. Under the test temperatures, the increasing OCR and NR values of the SG covered the range of 0.117-1.009 mg / (g·h) and 0.013-0.028 mg / (g·h), while those of the CG were 0.142-0.827 mg / (g·h) and 0.016-0.028 mg / (g·h). (2) No significant differences of OCR and NR were found in the two groups at 15 ℃ (P> 0.05). At 20, 25 and 30 ℃, however, the SG displayed higher oxygen consumption rate and NH3 excretion rate than the CG, with significant differences observed in oxygen consumption rate at 30 ℃ (P < 0.05). (3)Q10 respiration and )Q10 excretion of the SG were 4.87 and 1.91 respectively; while those of the CG were 3.54 and 1.46. The average O/N ratios of the SG and CG were observed at 20.50 and 19.56. (4)At test salinity of 20-36, OCR and NR of the two groups increased with the increasing salinity, and reached the peak value at salinity of 28, and then the values decreased beyond 28. The OCR of the SG was in range of 0.435 to 0.678 mg / (g·h) while that of the CG was 0.233 to 0.671 mg / (g·h). The NR value of the SG covered the range of 0.011 to 0.027 mg / (g·h), and that of the CG 0.014-0.025 mg / (g·h). (5) At salinity 24, 28, 32 and 36, the SG had higher oxygen consumption rate than the CG, with significant differences observed at salinity 20, 24 and 36 (P < 0.05). The SG had higher NH3 excretion rate than the CG at salinity 28 and 32, while the SG had lower NH3 excretion rate than the CG at salinity 20, 24 and 36. (6) At salinity 20-36, the average O/N ratios of the SG and the CG were 34.50 and 25.01 respectively. The present results indicate that there exist evident differences in physiological indices between the SG and CG after one generation selection for yellow color, which will provide some useful information for further breeding in the groups.



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  • 收稿日期:2008-12-24
  • 最后修改日期:2009-04-01
  • 录用日期:2009-07-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2009-09-03
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