



S 917.4


崂山实验室科技创新项目 (LSKJ202203802);国家自然科学基金项目 (31272667);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项 (20603022022024)

Taxonomy and morphological comparison of larva and juvenile stages in the genera of Lobianchia and Idiolychnus

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    叶灯鱼与异灯鱼两属鱼类在全球有道氏叶灯鱼、日本叶灯鱼和异灯鱼3个物种,隶属于灯笼鱼目、灯笼鱼科。目前我国仅在台湾省东部海域有日本叶灯鱼成鱼和仔稚鱼分布以及东海外海黑潮流域有被鉴定为隶属于叶灯鱼属的盖氏翼胸灯笼鱼后期仔鱼和翼胸灯笼鱼稚鱼分布的记录。为厘清叶灯鱼和异灯鱼两属鱼类的分类地位与隶属关系,明确其发育形态,本文在归纳两属鱼类分类要点、构建分类检索表的基础上,对1984年6—7月 (夏季)和1984年12月—1985年1月 (冬季)于东海外海黑潮流域两个航次调查采集的仔稚鱼样品再次整理,将原被鉴定为盖氏翼胸灯笼鱼和翼胸灯笼鱼的仔稚鱼分别订正为日本叶灯鱼与异灯鱼。描述了体长5.10 mm日本叶灯鱼后期仔鱼和6.80 mm异灯鱼稚鱼的形态特征,同时引述了日本叶灯鱼和道氏叶灯鱼仔稚鱼以及异灯鱼稚鱼的发育形态。通过比较3种仔稚鱼的发育形态特征,明确了翼状胸鳍是它们区别于其他硬骨鱼类仔稚鱼的独特形态特征;发现仔稚鱼体表黑色素的形状和数量与不同地理群体的发育生物学和生境有关,而黑色素的分布趋势具有物种特异性,可作为物种鉴别的形态学依据之一;还明确了稚鱼发育过程中鳃盖条区发光器的发育顺序与分布位置。同时,综合分析各大洋的仔稚鱼分布资料,提出道氏叶灯鱼仔稚鱼在西北太平洋分布的可能性很小的见解;根据黑潮流域的冬、春、夏季均有日本叶灯鱼生殖群体进行产卵繁殖,提出日本叶灯鱼的繁殖生物学及其种群动力学需要深入调查与研究的科学问题。研究结果提高了我国对叶灯鱼和异灯鱼两属鱼类的认知及对这3种仔稚鱼的鉴别能力,丰富了灯笼鱼科鱼类早期生活史研究的内涵,为今后开展相关海洋生态调查的仔稚鱼种类鉴别提供了理论依据,也为灯笼鱼等小型鱼类的资源养护提供了重要参考。


    Globally, the fish genera Lobianchia Gatti, 1904 and Idiolychnus Nafpaktitis et Paxton, 1978 belong to the Myctophidae family, within the Myctophiformes order. The genus Lobianchia includes two species: Lobianchia dofleini (Zugmayer, 1911) and Lobianchia gemellarii (Cocco, 1838) , while the genus Idiolychnus comprises only one species Idiolychnus urolampus (Gilbert et Cramer, 1897) . Currently, there are limited reports on Lobianchia and Idiolychnus in Chinese waters, with adults, larvae and juveniles of Lobianchia gemellarii documented in the waters off eastern Taiwan, and larvae and juveniles identified as Lobianchia gemellari and Lobianchia urolampus collected from the Kuroshio Current region off the East China Sea. To further elucidate the taxonomy and early developmental morphology of these species, an identification key for the these two genera Lobianchia Gatti, 1904 and Idiolychnus Nafpaktitis et Paxton, 1978 was compiled. Following a review of the data and samples from the aforementioned surveys conducted from June to July 1984 (summer) and December 1984 to January 1985 (winter), the larvae and juveniles previously identified as L. gemellari and L. urolampus, were corrected to L. gemellarii (Cocco, 1838) and I. urolampus (Gilbert et Cramer, 1897), respectively. Additionally, the early developmental morphology of L. gemellarii post-larva of 5.10 mm in BL and the I. urolampus juvenile of 6.80 mm in BL were described respectively. The developmental morphological characteristics of larvae and juveniles of L. dofleini, L. gemellarii, and I. urolampus juvenile were discussed. Upon comparison, the aliform pectoral fins of Lobianchia and Idiolychnus larvae and juveniles represent a distinctive morphological feature. A comparative analysis of melanophore shape, quantity, and distribution on the body surface of larvae and juveniles from these two genera was performed. As analyzed, melanophores shape and quantity, which conceivably vary with habitats, exhibit species-specificity. Thus, melanophores shape and quantity can be used as morphological characteristics for species identification. The developmental sequence and distribution of the branchiostegal organ (Br) in Lobianchia and Idiolychnus larvae and juveniles were elucidated. Analysis of the distribution data of Lobianchia and Idiolychnus larvae and juveniles across various oceans suggests that Lobianchia dofleini larvae and juveniles are rarely found in the Northwest Pacific. Spawning stocks of Lobianchia gemellarii in the Kuroshio Current region off the East China Sea reproduce during winter, spring and summer, but the specifics of their spawning habits remain unclear. This study contributes to understanding of the morphology and ecology of lanternfishes early life stages and offers scientific evidence for the utilization and management of these small-sized marine fish resources.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-06
  • 最后修改日期:2024-02-18
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-05
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