[Key word]
The food item were identified using percentage f requency of occurrence. By analysis of food composition, 6 species of eels in East China Sea and Yellow Sea are bottom fishes and belong to 3 types of food habit: Dysomma anguillaris, Rhynchocymba ectenura and Rhynchocymba nystromi are benthophagous fishes; Astroconger myriaste and Pisoodonophis cancrivorus are benthophagous-nektivorous f ishes; Alloconger anagoides is nektivorous f ish. The result s suggested that there is not food competition between Dysomma anguillaris, Rhynchocymba ectenura and Astroconger myriaste. It is suggested that percentage of energetic composition of diets be employed to analyze feeding habits. However, further collection of basic data is required.